If you want CPCrazy to Feature YOU or YOUR EVENT*, please email your Player Card and a few basic infos about YOU or YOUR EVENT. We can even publish both at the same time too! ;-)

If you want to get published and exhibit your MATERIALS** on this site, you may email your original MATERIALS**. Your topic must be kid-safe***.

If published, we will give full credit to you and a link back to your site will also be included. CPCrazy has the sole discretion to publish or not to publish your Player Card, Events or Materials.

Please answer ALL the questions on the "Submit Penguin" Button below. Your info will be automatically added to our Penguin Slum Book (A Penguin Directory) which will be released on May 2008.

Please give a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS. A confirmation letter will be sent to the Email Address that you submit. Rest assured, your Email Address is Safe with CPCrazy.


*EVENT includes CP & Igloo Parties, Birthday Announcements etc. If you won anything at school, hey, that's an Event too! ;-) We would be glad to congratulate you on your accomplishments! 'Coz YOU rock! ;-)

**MATERIALS include poems, essays, writeups, autobios, artworks, photo edits, funny Pics, videos etc. They must be ORIGINAL. If in case they are NOT your own, we can still feature but in another page IF you give credit to where or whom you got it from ;-)

***Kid-Safe means NO bad words, misleading facts or adult-content.
